[BOOK|FB2] Bag of Bones
Dating > Bag of Bones
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Dating > Bag of Bones
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Sara also appears in dreams that Mike has of her last day alive in 1939. As she dies in his arms, Mike notices she bought a pregnancy test, and assumes that she may have been having an affair. The shooter's buddies try to stop them, but refuse to follow him to Sara Laughs.
It won the for in 1998, and the for Best Novel in 1999. Mike begins having recurring, disturbing dreams and visions, and realizes he shares a psychic connection with Kyra. Mike kills her, and Mattie's spirit appears before them. Max has been trying to get custody of Kyra since Mattie shot his son Lance Lance was trying to drown the child.
BAG OF BONES - Español - Capítulos Completos - The miniseries changes Sara's son Kito to a daughter named Kisha for unknown reasons, and there is no reference to the genealogy seen in the book, as Mike is well aware that his grandfather lived in Dark Score Lake, but was not aware of the fact that his grandfather had been one of the men who raped Sara.